Donatella Calabi

has been teaching since 1980 at Università Iuav di Venezia; was Directeur d’études invité at l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Visiting Professor at Catholic University, Leuven, at British Academy, London, Honorary Fellow at University of Leicester; was holding lectures at l’Université de Paris VIII, l’Ecole de Architecture de Paris la Villette, l’Institut Français d’Urbanisme, l’Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, University of Sâo Paulo and of Sâo Carlos, Brazil and l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Culturelles, Tokyo. She was Director of Summer School, Storia dell’arte veneziana at Venetian International University, supported by Delmas Krieble Foundation, New York and of doctoral studies “Storia e teoria delle Arti” of Scuola di studi avanzati di Venezia.

D. Calabi is PI of a running Project “VISU” on Visualizing cities financed by the Veneto Region; 2010/2011 PI with Caroline Bruzelius of the Project “Visualizing Venice” “San Giovanni e Paolo”, sponsored by Delmas Foundation and SSAV; 2010 national coordinator of the project MIUR/Cofin su: “Città costruita, città progettata, città virtuale: il Museo della città”; 2008 coordinator of Unità di Ricerca IUAV on “Memoria e rappresentazione della città. I musei della città”; 2007 co-responsabile (with prof. Maria Stella Martins Bresciani) of Projeto Tematico FAPESP su “Saberes euditos e tecnico na configuraçao e reconfiguraçao do espaço urbano. Estado de Sao Paulo, seculos XIX e XX”; 2006 national coordinator of the project MIUR /Cofin: “Botteghe e case del mercante tra XV e XVII secolo”; 2004 national coordinator of the project FIRB: “Città cosmopolite nell’are mediterranea, XV-XVIII secolo”; 2003 member of the Comitato scientifico internazionale dell’opera Il Rinascimento italiano e l’Europa, coordinated by Luca Molà and Gigi Fontana and supported by Fondazione Cassamarca di Treviso, was responsabile with Ennio Concina of the volume IX (Spazi, Luoghi, Architetture) programmato per il 2009; 1999 Team Leader of the research group “Cities and Cultural Exchanges” of the Program “Cultural Exchanges” 1999-2002 European Science Foundation; and other numerous projects.

D. Calabi was the honorary President of European Association of Urban Historians (EAUH) and of Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana (AISU). She is Director of series “Storia della città” edited by Laterza (Roma-Bari), member of Editorial board of the journal “Planning perspectives” and co-director of “Città e storia”.

D. Calabi research interests are urban history, early modern European cities, locations of markets and places of minorities and their relations with the urban development; town planning between the 19th and 20th centuries.