Alessandra Ferrighi

has been a researcher and a lecturer at IUAV since 1998, in the field of urban and architectural restoration; was a co-supervisor of the dissertation at the Doctoral studies of Università IUAV di Venezia. She defended her MA theses (Protection and conservation of Cultural Heritage) at Scuola Superiore Normale, Pisa in 1999 and PhD theses (“To build among the already built”: The results of the project for architectural spolia. The case of Ville Venete), supervised by Maria Rita Pinto and Stefano Musso, in Building and environmental restoration at the University of Genoa in 2005. She is also an architect, employed by the National Astrophysics Institute (INAF) to work on Padua’s Specola Museum; she also carried out analyses of the degradation and planning of the restoration of especially valuable artefacts, such as Padua’s mediaeval defensive wall, the Church of S. M. della Salute in Venice, the Castle of Rovigo, Contarini della Scala del Bovolo palace in Venice. The Superintendence for Architectural and Environmental Heritage of Eastern Veneto appointed her to work on Padua’s Castle in 2008.

A. Ferrighi is a team member of the project “Visualizing Venice” conducted by Duke University, North Carolina US, Università IUAV di Venezia, Nesting, Universita degli Studi di Padova. She is the coordinator the Visualizing Venice team since 2011. She was also co-operating in and coordinating projects financed by Italy’s National Research Council (CNR), by the Consorzio Venezia Nuova (Ministry of Public Works), by the Consorzio per la gestione del centro di coordinamento delle attività di Ricerca inerenti il sistema Lagunare di Venezia (CORILA –Consortium for Co-ordination of Research Activities Concerning the Venice Lagoon System) and by the Veneto Region. In particular, from 2000 to 2006 she coordinated the Corila research on external claddings in Venice’s historical centre, which culminated in the internet publication ( of data concerning all Venetian buildings. She was a curator of the exhibition “Visualizing Venice, new technologies for urban history”, in Venice at Iuav (December 5-21), in Zagreb at Istituto Italiano di Cultura (March 2-22), at UNESCO in Venice (April 8-26), in Florence at Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA (June 13 – July 12), at Zara at Narodni muzej Zadar (September 14-October 12), in Shenzhen (China) at Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (December 6-Febbruary 28).
A. Ferrighi’s research interests are urban history, architecture, digital humanities, ICT.